What has the past year of Shop My Closet Series (SMCS) taught me? First thing, my style is modest, minimal, bold and chic. Being modest is not about hiding my imperfections, its about me being comfortable and creative in what I wear. I'm not saying you won't see me in a bathing suit, I'm saying I like playing with colors, cuts and don't really care to…
- Author: Nay -
If you've been wondering why I've been more active on Instagram and youtube than my blog, it's really simple- I've been shopping and saving. I set some goals for myself regarding my blog, youtube and most importantly financial part of my life. For which I am determined to reach. Goals Save X amount of money Pay off all credit cards (5k+) Be conscious of my decisions…
Black Friday is right around the corner and before I could forget about it my inbox was flooded with emails about sales, promo and door-busting deals. Do you participate in Black Friday deals? I remember the first time I went out for Black Friday, it was me and my friend D. We left right after we had thanksgiving dinner. It was cold and I MEAN REALLY…
Are you using your resources to help you reach your financial goals? You've heard about that saying "everyone has the same 24 hrs in a day" well, the truth is its true, especially when it comes to making money. Often times we don't know that were capable of making money with what comes innately. I realized that if I ever want to get anything done and…
Flicks on the Beach at Coney Island This summer has been filled with impromptu events and trips. Have you ever planned out your day and something comes along and completely switches your schedule around? - well, that is exactly what happened to me last weekend. Since summer is coming to an end I decided to close it the same place I opened it this year at…
Check out these simple tips on taking a last minute Girls Trip I recently went to the movies and saw Girls Trip and I've been raving about it on my twitter page since. See, Ryan Pierce (played by Regina Hall) was able to afford for all her friends to attend Essence Fest. However, thats not me so, let's get down to business. Two years ago I went…