Check Yourself Before Getting Upset
Check Yourself Before Getting Upset
Have you ever had that sinking feeling, that feeling that starts at the pit of your stomach, that increases throughout your body. It’s almost as if every single nerve, muscle and blood cell is aware of how uncomfortable you are in this situation.
This is a feeling I usually get when I’m uncomfortable or when an insecure feeling is trying to come forth.
Why am I taking about this you ask? Well, you probably guessed correctly. it happened to me the other day, as I think about it, it has happened several times this year.
I will tell you only about the recent incident. Let me set the scene for you:
Setting: Sandwich Shop at 7:00pm, New York City
Characters: Nay (Me), T and Blogger.
Props: Cell Phone
Source: Internet
Conflict: Keep reading
As I sat there waiting for my friend (T) to settle in with our sandwiches, I started to browse my FB ..Scroll, scroll , like , swipe, tap , lol , lol and Boom!
There it was a post, a blog post from Blogger. I am one who believes in supporting others, even if we are in the same field or not. Because I believe we all are in our own lane. So I clicked and read. It was a great post, something I can relate to and would even write about. Well ladies the CONFLICT in this story is actually not with Blogger. Nope, the conflict in this story is within the lead character, me!
Yes, I said it. ME!
Let’s step out this scene for a moment. You see the Blogger did nothing wrong at all, except be themselves which I feel is a beautiful thing.
The issue is with me. You ever had that moment when you knew you were suppose to do something. The continuous moments of this idea pops up. You may have even gone as far as telling people about this idea but in the end …. Never to have done it or did it half way. Well, that was me. I knew I wanted to write a blog about the very same topic. I even discussed the topic with my co-workers and received lots of insight. But! I didn’t write it.
To say the least, I was upset/disappointed not at any one else but solely with myself. I knew it was what I was suppose to do but I didn’t. I hesitated.
Turning Point: I decided not to over think the situation. Remembered that I can still write my piece and it will be my original. Decided to not allow a negative seed to be planted.
1. Know that sometimes you have to do that thing, that very thing that’s bubbling passionately inside of you even when you don’t know all the out comes.
2. If you don’t do it some one else will.
3. it’s never, ever too late…. It just might be late(but hey! You did it though)
4. Trust God, yes you didn’t follow his instructions but trust that he knows all and will get you where you need to be. Trust God
Moment of Truth:
>No one and I say this boldly, NO ONE! can be you or do things the exact way that you do something. I believe that God made so many of us in this world with special gifts and talents to do something meaningful. Don’t discount what you have. It’s special and unique to you,so embrace it, share it and believe in it.
Be encouraged.
The End
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Love this! You’re so right, no one can execute things the way you can. You have your own voice.
exactly and I believe we should say it, believe it and share it.