Spin Class | feat. HauteHeartbk Spin Class

Spin Class| HauteHeartBk

Is my body getting use to it or is it the instructor?
IMG_2953So I had the opportunity to go to another spin class and this time it was an invitation from a fellow blogger Kez from Kezb.net. My first reaction to this invite was of joy but I didn’t know if I wanted to take another spin class. I’ve gone to a few since my first post and I have to say they weren’t bad at all- but spin still haven’t won me over.  However, since many of you have informed me that it gets better and lend the advice of finding a class that works for me is key. I decided to go because I’m extremely determined to have fitness as a part of my weekly routine again. So, I went and it was terrific. I burned over 400 calories in this 45 minute class.

I can describe this class as a fusion of an introduction to spin and soul cycling. The introduction only stands on the merit of how everything is explained to you if you are not familiar with operating a spin bike, along with how attentive Karen (instructor) was with all of us.

So let me set up my experience for you, I came into the studio and was immediately greeted by smiles from Alice of chica-fashion.com and Rinoel who is also a spin instructor. Rinoel went to each person, introduced himself and fitted everyone properly for their bikes. Tip: the seat of the bike should line up to your thigh when legs are raised.

We started the class, in the words of the great Tina Turner– nice and easy. Karen taught the class and made it feel like a party. She got off her bike a few times to walk around to ensure each participant was going at their own pace and using proper form. As time went on weights were then included to incorporate strength  training.  If your asking, did I want to give up…. I did, but I knew that my classmates wouldn’t let me and nor would I so, I pushed.

25 minutes in- shades that were provided was put on and another level was reached. I believe we all got our second wind and pushed even harder, peddled a little faster and dug  deeper than before.  The music was on blast and the intensity was put in motion. Pedestrian walked passed the studio lurking, trying to figure out what was going on if they can join. And, before I knew it the class was over.


After the session we had a talk back session with Alice, Karen and Rinoel. They went over the items in our swag bags and gave out both eating and fitness hygiene tips. I was able to ask Karen about her reason for bringing this class to Bushwick, she simple shared that she wanted to bring something new to her community from someone who is a part of it.

I would definitely recommend this class, it pushes newbies out of their comfort zone and push you past your mental  limits.

If you live in Brooklyn– or within the five boroughs and want to be a part of something bigger than just cycling and join a community,this spin class is for you. They currently have a promotion of 5 classes for $45. YES! $9 a class, you can’t beat that, click here to get started.

Side Note: As a person who pays attention to details and I was extremely satisfied with the whole appearance and experience of the studio and class. The experience was as much educational as it was fun. This was the first spin class I’ve been a part of that my lady parts weren’t screaming at the end. No butt pads for me!

Reflection: do something today to get you closer to your goal(s), so believe in yourself.



  • Reply Eva July 6, 2016 at 9:34 am

    I love it! Nice and easy like Tina Turner. I haven’t been to a spin class. I used to ride my bike a lot as a kid, but those seats aren’t adult tush friendly, so I haven’t been on one in a while. I may have to return to it via a spin class.

    • Reply Nay July 6, 2016 at 2:08 pm

      you are right the seats are not very comfortable. But, if you do decide to return to it and become an avid rider than padded shorts, seat or underwear would be best

  • Reply TiffanyArlene July 6, 2016 at 11:23 am

    Spinning looks like such a fun challenge, but I must admit that I am a little intimidated. I am in Manhattan, and may venture out to BK to try this class out. Thanks for sharing!

    • Reply Nay July 6, 2016 at 1:58 pm

      Hi Tiffany, if you’re in Manhattan or Brooklyn and would like to meet up for a fitness class let me know I’m always up for it. HauteHeartBk is a great class to take for beginners. I feel the best way to get over intimidation or fear is to do that very thing that makes you feel that way.

  • Reply Tia July 6, 2016 at 1:57 pm

    I love spin classes with good teachers. And looks like you had that which resulted in a great workout!

    • Reply Nay July 6, 2016 at 3:18 pm

      I really did, I feel like the energy of the teacher can make or break the experience.

  • Reply Joanna July 6, 2016 at 2:12 pm

    I really want to try spinning again. That one class had me in pain. lol Are you guys going again?

    • Reply Nay July 6, 2016 at 3:17 pm

      Yes, I’ll be going again. I’ll definitely let you know when.

  • Reply Marsha July 6, 2016 at 2:26 pm

    Good for you for sticking with it! Just last week I decided to step out of my comfort zone and do the spin class at the fitness center I go to. It wasn’t easy but I didn’t give up, and I’m going back tonight! It really is a great way to exercise and burn a lot of calories. I have to remind myself that it’s okay to go at my own pace when I feel like I can’t quite go as fast as the instructor at that moment. The seat hurts but it’s well worth it!

    • Reply Nay July 21, 2016 at 4:51 pm

      Hi Marsha thanks for the reply. I’m glad I stuck it out and now I have an activity that I can put into my fitness regimen. I’m glad to see us ladies are #LivingActively. How was it the second time around? do you think its something you will add to your regimen?

  • Reply Kim July 7, 2016 at 8:11 pm

    Okay, so the soreness of the lady parts is what turned me off after my first spin class. I did NOT enjoy it… I mean the workout was good, but I’d rather experience that pain from something else 😉

    I’m happy you enjoyed your experience.

    • Reply Nay July 21, 2016 at 4:52 pm

      HEHEHE, Yeah the lady parts hurt but its not enough to not make me return. lol as long as you staying active I think you’ll be fine ;).

  • Reply Allison Jones July 7, 2016 at 10:56 pm

    I love spin class but it is HARD! Congratulations for seeing it through. I haven’t been to one in a while but I would love to get back into it.


  • Reply Mimi Green July 8, 2016 at 7:06 pm

    Great review, I’ve not tried spinning but I want to. I’m just afraid I might die. lol This gives me hope.

    Did you who-ha hurt after?

    • Reply Nay July 10, 2016 at 1:42 am

      Normally when I go to a spin class it hurts but I didn’t feel it with this class. I felt my workout for a few days later which was good since it pushed me to stretch more in the morning.

  • Reply Keisha Reed July 11, 2016 at 3:20 pm

    I live next to a spin studio, purchased Groupon’s and never went. It’s the fear I need to conquer.

    • Reply Nay July 15, 2016 at 11:46 pm

      conquer it!

  • Reply Christine @Moms 'N Charge® July 12, 2016 at 5:54 pm

    My girlfriend has been trying to get me to take a spin class with her for the longest time. I keep telling her she’s crazy LOL But it does sound a little fun, and you definitely can’t beat that deal! Hopefully I can find something similar in my area.

    • Reply Nay July 21, 2016 at 4:53 pm

      yes! Now if you want to try one for free in your town try your local YMCA.

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