How to Try New Fitness Classes or Gym While on a Budget

5 Ways to Get Free or Low Cost Access to a Gym

If you haven’t been consistent on your workout regimen thus far for the year (me) and your feeling like you want to try something different while on a budget. Below I have five different ways you can visit a new place to try a different class.

1. Guest Pass: Find a gym and find out their guest pass policy. Some locations allow guests up to 3 passes per year or season to try out there facility.

2. Work affiliations: Yes, find out if your job has any community partnerships with outside fitness centers. This can give you a cheaper membership rate. You won’t know until you ask.

nays voice fitness budget


3. Surveys: Have you walked pass a center and a person is standing outside attempting to get your attention to get you into there facility. This is great because you want to be there as well. Listen to their pitch and I mean really listen because you may become a member of this community. Usually, you can end the conversation by asking if there are any trial(s) classes that you can try during a time that is convenient for you to get more of a feel of the center. If they offer it they’ll probably give you a complimentary class along with a brief questionnaire at the end. Make sure you fill it out.

4. Go during a promotional day or week

A promotional week usually occurs during certain months such as; December or January to target those who are tackling their New Year resolutions.

5. Financial aid for long term.

Financial aid is not just for college. If you’ve seen the prices to be a part of fitness centers or clubs you’d think you were paying a mortgage payment. Actually it is for some however, there is financial aid offered to all that qualify. Therefore don’t be shy to ask.

If you’ve tried any of these ideas, come back and share with me your experience.



What are some ways you keep yourself motivated on your fitness journey?




  • Reply Joanna March 6, 2017 at 4:02 pm

    A friend of mine signed up for NYSC as a student and still paying a student plan. Groupon is also another way to take classes on the cheap. Good post

    • Reply Nay March 6, 2017 at 8:25 pm

      you’re right especially when you apply coupons.

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