Simple Tips to Have More Money
Are you using your resources to help you reach your financial goals?
You’ve heard about that saying “everyone has the same 24 hrs in a day” well, the truth is its true, especially when it comes to making money. Often times we don’t know that were capable of making money with what comes innately. I realized that if I ever want to get anything done and gain money while doing it. I must plan and multitask in order to do so.
When I look back at it I actually wonder how I’m not as wealthy as I think I should be (lol). All the things I did to hold me over during my year out of work, I did them when I was in undergrad but stopped (ps. consistency is key).
When it comes to my finances, I was able to live off my savings for almost a year, while traveling. When I wanted to pocket some spending money I would use my talents to make money. I would share what I could do to those who needed my services. I would do hair one moment, coordinate weddings, book signings and even theater events.
So if you’re looking to make extra funds, here are a few things I want you to consider.
- Service: What service can you offer people that is effortless for you to do in a short period of time. For me that was doing people hair a few years ago. I am not a license beautician (even though I did think of going into that at one point), I just have been doing my hair since I was 9. So I took that and done hair for $50 a head. All with the disclaimer that I am not a licensed beautician and no refunds.
- Create: Roll up your sleeves and create something you can sell (i.e cupcakes, baskets, diy pieces) if you’re creative the options are endless.
- Barter: Exchange your time to help someone who will be able to give you something you may need. I’ve done this plenty of times when I go to help my aunts clean out their basements. In exchange I was able to choose from their high end purses. I still have them today and they’re still in good condition. #ShopMyCloset
- Job: For stable extra income I say get a part time job that doesn’t require you to exhaust yourself. You want to be able to enjoy yourself and not burn out. Think seasonal, cat or dog sitting or even a cashier at a bookstore.
- Cut- Back: Sometimes having more money means not spending what you do have. Find out areas in your expenses you can cut out. Think about it, there’s no need to buy a full bouquet of flowers every week. You can cut it completely out and save $20-$50. If you really need flowers, just go to you’re local groceries store and pick up a smaller bouquet for $5- $10.
Let me know if you’ve used any of these tips to help you earn extra income and add anything you’ve done that I’ve missed.
Try these tips and test how you can grow your account steadily. Until next time, I’ll be #AcivelyLIVING and #LivingACTIVELY
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