The Importance of Having A Tribe
How important is it to have a tribe?
Have you ever heard the the African Proverbs that says ” it take a village to raise a child”? did you ever think… what about when that child become an adult? What do they do then? do they go and become another villager whose job is to help raise another child? When does this cycle stop? or what does the adult do when they’re no longer a child?
I’m here to share my theory and how its become full circle! – Let’s chat
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ooh new word …tribe! yes! we’ve moved from village to tribe.
According to merriam webster a tribe is a group of persons having a common character, occupation, or interest.
What are some important elements you should have in you’re tribe? bare in mind these elements anyone in it can posses when the moment arises.
So lets think about this
Ask yourself what is it that you need? Who are you doing life with currently? The tribe is there to help you in areas you are lacking in. So who is part of your tribe? I am glad to have two incredible ladies in my tribe that I’m building with. They push me- by them being authentically themselves and for that I am truly inspired and grateful.
No relationship should be draining on either party (iron sharpen iron) So check yourself, assess your core group, move forward and be intentional.
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