It’s that time again for me to travel to Florida and have a blast. If you want to check out my pictures from my recent trip click here. If you want to see how I kept this trip low cost and under $350 keep reading.
I had three major categories that I spent money on; lodging, transportation and food. This helped me know where I needed to allocate my funds.
Travel Tip #1 Flights
Start searching for flights immediately, I started about six months in advance. I searched different airline companies via their sites and avoided major search engines. I found a roundtrip flight via JetBlue for $129.40.
Another tip is to track a few different flights through a third-party sites to get the best deal.
Mistake #1
Grab those deals when you see it. If I’d purchased the original flight I saw at $50 each way I would have saved about $30, but I waited way to long, thinking it would go down….NOPE!
Travel Tip #2 Save on Lodging
I saved 100% of funds for lodging by staying with family. If you have a family member, friend, sorority sister or fraternity brother you can stay with, do so. Buy groceries and save even more on dining.
If you don’t have anyone you can stay with look into cheap hotels or motels that are in a safe neighborhood.
Travel Tip #3 Transportation
I went out every single day while I was in Florida which was seven days and six nights. I even drove from Miami to West Palm beach to visit my family and sight see while I was out there. P.S. West Palm Beach is beautiful.
I also avoided Lyfts and Ubers, I know that sound strange but this advice is only for those who have their driver’s license along with valid car insurance. Renting a car is cheaper than taking a Lyft or Uber everywhere even with Uber pool or Lyft line. Especially if you have more than one driver, you can split the cost.
Let me break it down for you, I took a Lyft Line from the airport to the house I was staying which cost me $23 and 45 minutes in commute time. My second rental car cost me 10.87 a day plus $26 for insurance (which you usually don’t have to get if you have your own car insurance). If you want to hear about the two rental cars I used and my mishaps let me know in the comment section. I totally wasted $40 on a car with my first rental.
Having a rental afforded me the freedom that I have with my own car at home. I didn’t have to relay on anyone and I didn’t have to take my family out of their normal routine to accommodate me.
Mistake # 2
Not getting a rental when I landed and taking a Lyft line. The positive side is that it was a great ride with some friendly people.
Travel Tip #4 Activities
Activities is the one category I don’t mind splurging on. I initially used Groupon but unfortunately what I purchased was refunded without my request. However, I will give them credit for having reasonably priced activities to do while in Florida. I also shared a few places you can go that low cost while in Florida.
I suggest purchasing them before you get there due to some activities requiring reservations made in advance so they can properly accommodate you.
Florida is known for have fairs, festivals, museums, villas and an epic art district. For which many of these activities are free or low costing, so ask around!
Price Summary
Flight 129.40 rt + $50 Unexpected bag check
Rental #1 42.31
Rental #2 48.31+21.88 (taxes+insurance)
Left Line $23
Total 319.40
**Note this does not include my cost of free spending while I was there, but you know I kept that within a budget.
Imagine if I knew the information I know now then. I would have saved at least $100.
Overall, I had a great time and I hope my tips help you on your next trip or adventure. Click here to check out a list of places to go that are free or low-cost while you’re in Florida.
What are some ways you save while traveling?
Does it matter to you where you stay?
Great tips! You know I’m all for Travel on a Budget.
Thank you for sharing this. I see your blog you definitely are. I’m ready to see where you’re off to next..
This really helped me out. I’m considering Miami before school resumes and with my budget, I didn’t want to spend a lump sum of cash on it either. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Kai, I’m glad this post helped you. Definitely let me know how your next trip goes. I have a post coming soon of places to check out. stay tune.
Vacation is always better when we can save a few buck. I always love to travel & especially for a reasonable price.
Hi Jay, thank you for reading. I agree with traveling at a reasonable price is always better than unnecessary purchases.
Great tips! I definitely will stay with friends and family when traveling to save and enjoy my time exploring the new state/city.
If you have the option of doing that. Take advantage and save, save, save!
You gave some great tips! I’m big on renting cars. You really do get the freedom and you’re right, it poses no burden on family or friends. I also like being in control of the audio system and the freedom to explore anyway 🙂
lol about the audio system. Which state is your favorite to drive in?
As a world traveler I am always looking for ways to cut costs. These tips are great and I will use them on my next trip to Buenos Aires next week. Thank you!
OMG that great. Let me know how everything works out for you.
OMG thats great. Let me know how everything works out for you.
Yes sounds like my kind of trip. I love saving money, but enjoying travel experience thanks for sharing I am going use some of your ideas.
yes please do and share with anyone you think it can help.
Nay, thank you for such great tips. We are empty nesters and we love to travel. Budget travel and saving money while still getting a great deal is awesome. Thank you,
I love saving and I want to take a trip soon. But, I think I’ll go with your suggestion and book early and travel later. ‹$350…not bad.
yes, travel but don’t go broke doing it. I’ll also suggest in picking a place that you really want to go to and save bit by bit. There is no rush, you will get there.
Wow! Thanks for these tips! Its great to travel and for a cheap price!
Where were you when I was planning my girls trip! These are great tips and I have learned to buy the flight when you see the flight! lol
I’m right here and don’t fret you have another trip coming up. Implement these tips to make it a lot smoother.