Learning to Ride a Bike as an Adult
When I was younger, my Dad attempted to teach my sisters and I how to ride a bike, as you can see, he failed at teaching me. So growing up when my sister and friends would ride during the summer, I couldn’t take part. But, I didn’t get discouraged! I decided that if I didn’t know how to ride that I was going to learn other things and not let that hold me back. So I learned how to swim, ice skate, roller-blade (including in-line) and even attempted skateboarding. Yes, its a bit of over compensating but I try to live in my truth. Although, I learned all these things I still tried to teach myself how to ride bike. I remember when my older sister had a bike in our old apartment. She purchased this bike with her summer job earnings. So this bike was special. On the days she wasn’t home and the bike was, I’d get on it and use the wall to help anchor me from falling as I attempted to ride inside our apartment hallway. Which by the way was narrow and short. By the time I thought I was getting the hang of it, the path ended and I had to turn the bike around to start the process all over again. Needless to say I was still unsuccessful.
Last summer I made it a goal of mine to learn. However, between the concerts, apartment hunting and other activities I didn’t get around to it but I knew for a fact that I wasn’t going to let another summer pass without me learning. So I sat at my desk one day and thought “there must be a way for me to learn, as an adult”. So I did some research on the internet and there it was “LEARN TO RIDE” for free. In my mind this was meant to be and clearly many others felt the same because I had to sign up for a spot two months in advance. Yes, two months. So I told myself it was now or never. I booked the class for June 18th, 2016 and waited.
I arrived at the courtyard 20 minutes early and was greeted by the instructor, Ms. A. I signed a waiver, collected my name tag and stood by a bike. Ms. A had us introduce ourselves and say what brought us here. Some were students that had taken this class once before and others that were first-timers (me). We were taught how to properly put on a helmet, identify the correct size bike for our height, a quick safety check and how to adjust the seat.
We began with learning how to coast without peddles. Once Ms. A saw we were ready for the next level we got our peddles added. I can honestly say I thought with them it would be easier…..oh no, I was wrong. The peddles brought on another level of difficulty. For the first 20 minutes with them I was not getting it at all. My bike chain gave me a bit of problems, so I’d return it to the staff and they would fix it. However, that didn’t stop me. My fellow cohorts and I banded together and motivated each other. We exchanged laughs and encouraging words to help each other to reach our goals. Sometimes strangers with the same goal as you can be your biggest motivators. Well ladies and gentleman, it’s official, June 18th is the day that I can proudly say that I learned how to ride a bike.
Tweet this: Sometimes strangers with the same goal as you can be your biggest motivators. -NaysVoice
So if you live in the tri-state area and would like to learn how to ride a bike for yourself or a child check out this organization. They are located throughout the five boroughs and have different types/levels of class you can take part in. I will be returning to get more practice in since I don’t own a bike of my own. If your interested in learning more about this organization click here.
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Do you know how to ride a bike? if not, are you willing to learn?
I learned how to ride as a child, but my youngest is totally uninterested. She’ll likely be needing an adult riding class when she grows up. My oldest took several months to learn, and when she finally got it rode face first into a mailbox. Kudos for sticking it out!
Good for you!!!! That is so awesome, congrats!!! I taught myself how to ride a bike when I was in elementary/middle school with the neighborhood kids that had bikes (cause we didn’t). My first two kids now ride bikes without training wheels and our newly 5 yr old will soon follow. Everyone in the fam has a bike except for me, so I’m looking forward to getting one soon. But truth be told, I prefer to (old school) roller skate 😉
lol I like the old school skating as well. I’m glad I did it though, I can check it off my bucket list. I think that’s great you’ll be able to ride together as a family.
Our 6 year-old is taking bike riding lessons too.
I was impressed that the athletic company, REI, offers adults classes too. This way you’re all in it together.